Let's Just Make Bath Bombs and Drink Bourbon Ok
Bath bombs are a thing these days. I guess? I don’t know. I’ve gotten a couple as gifts (friends!) and people on the Internet seem to talk a lot about them. Anything for a distraction from the dumpster fire that is our world right now, amiright?
Anyway, they’re pretty expensive to buy. Which is ridiculous because they’re basically made out of random shit in your pantry...which kind of makes me second guess using them but IT’S TOO LATE NOW HERE WE GO.
What You Need to Get Bath Bombed
1 cup Baking Soda
3/4 cup Corn Starch
1/2 cup Citric Acid
1/2 cup Epsom Salts
2 tablespoons Olive Oil (QUESTIONABLE)
2 teaspoons Witch Hazel
1 teaspoon Water (?)
40 drips/a ton of Essential Oils
Random Collection dried herbs/eucalyptus
Bath Bomb Molds
Big Bowl
Small Bowl
Measuring Things
24-48 hours
What You Need for A Bourbon Drink
Grapefruit Juice (MILLENNIAL PINK)
Simple Syrup
The INTERNET says to use Olive Oil. But here’s the thing – olive oil smells. So, my bath bombs kinda ended up smelling like that? Which is weird?
Maybe it’s because I used Extra Virgin Olive Oil ? (what up Rachel Ray). Does that smell more than normal Olive Oil? Ugh, what’s happening.
So yeah, maybe just use Coconut Oil.
I didn’t use “bath bomb molds” because wtf is that. I used candy molds? So mine are kinda weird. But hey, they all fizz the same.
I also didn’t use food coloring cuz I’m natural AF.
DO NOT combine rose oil with eucalyptus. It’s terrible. It smells like a whore house got the flu. Or your mom BURN.
Last but not least, I'm pretty sure bath bombs are like two ingredients away from drugs or real bombs. Am I going to get arrested for saying that? WHAT A THRILL.
1.) Gather your ingredients, if you're Type A or something.
2.) Combine all the DRY INGREDIENTS into a BIG BOWL.
3.) Combine all the WET INGREDIENTS into a SMALL BOWL. Side note: I'm using caps because the first time I did this, I combined everything at once into a big bowl. Which was mostly fine. But whatever. Here we are.
4.) Slowly add the liquid mixture to the dry mixture while stirring it all up with your hand.
5.) The mixture/stuff is ready to be molded when it holds it's shape without crumbling as you smash it into a ball in your weird smelling hand. If not, spray some water on it, I think.
6.) Now smash it into whatever mold you got yourself. If you feel like hiding a toy in the middle, ALL THE BETTER.
7.) If you run out of molds, just use some random Tupperware you have lying around cuz who cares anymore.
8.) Let them sit for 24-48 hours. If you don't have the correct molds (like me) - Saran Wrap them. Basically, keep them sealed so they don't dry out too much while drying (irony?).
Bathe me in Bourbon
AKA Drinky Drink Time
A Bourbon Drink - Also known as the Blushing Betty or things I had in my kitchen
1 ounce leftover grapefruit juice
1 1/2 ounces bourbon
1/2 ounce leftover simple syrup
Garnish: grapefruit wedge
Pour it all together in a shaker. Shake. Pour it over ice (bonus if it's baby ice). Drink it and wonder if the simple syrup that's been in your fridge forever is actually ok.
Well I have a rule that once a recipe for a cocktail I would rather not drink (oops but also grapefruit and bourbon? come on) enters a blog, it's time to call it a wrap. I hope this Crafty Hour brings you hours of friendship happiness. Until next time...