Forever Young Potion
Forever Young Potion
1 Pint blueberries
1 Pint blackberries
1/5 Vodka
1 Lemon
1 Teaspoon sugar
1 Bag frozen blueberries or blackberries
Divide the fresh fruit between 4 large jars. Pour vodka over the fruit and then MASH THE FRUIT. Let the vodka infuse overnight or until it turns a deep purple. Strain vodka to remove fruit chunks. Keep chunks for garnish? Sure. Mix frozen fruit with sugar in a bowl and thaw. Add the frozen fruit/sugar concoction to the bottom of cocktail glasses (fancy) or small jars (how I roll) and then pour the purple vodka tincture in. Garnish with liquored fruit and lemon slices. Add ice and serve! Also - know that this is not a real youth potion.