It's Miller Thyme

It's finally summer! So invite your friends over, drink a bunch of beers, and then turn those beer cans into planters!

Yep, it's really that simple. 

GET IT?? CUZ I PLANTED THYME. Actually, there's some ginger mint in the middle there but, yeah. 

GET IT?? CUZ I PLANTED THYME. Actually, there's some ginger mint in the middle there but, yeah. 

What you'll need for Beer Can Planters:

Beer cans!




Scissors and/or metal cutters

A towel and/or pliers




What you'll need for the Hungry Hungry Hipster:


Lemon Juice

Orange Juice

Miller High Life 


If you thought to yourself, wow this sounds like a craft with an incredible amount of TERRIBLE sounds, you are correct. 

I used scissors to cut the beer cans, and a towel with my fingers to turn the sharp edges down. Is there a better way to do either of these? Yes of course. If you have metal cutters - awesome, use those. If you have pliers - great use those too. If not, sounds like you're my kind of crafter. 

For the record, I tried using a can opener. I have a fancy one, it doesn't leave sharp edges (what up adulthood). But it didn't work on the shitty Miller High Life cans. 

The cheaper the beer, the cheaper the can quality. Which is actually something I've already learned, but hey I drink and craft. Not surprising I forgot this. 

I don't know what Zwack is. 

Be careful with those fingers, those beer cans get sharp. 

It's somewhat alarming how often I have to tell you guys to be careful before doing one of my crafts. 

Let's crack open a cool can of Crafty Hour! 

1.) Have "friends" over to drink a "bunch" of beers. Cleary you can choose the beer. But I'd either go with a) your favorite beer or b) beer with really cool cans. I did both because I have SO MANY FRIENDS I DID NOT DRINK THESE ALONE. 



2.) Gather your materials. Oh and put newspaper down. Unless you have a yard instead of a deck with a neighbor sitting directly below you. In that case, GOOD FOR YOU WE GET IT. 

(I don't speak Spanish). 

(I don't speak Spanish). 

3.) Poke holes in the bottom of the cans. For drainage. Cuz plants like that shit. I used a hammer and nail. Seemed like the best way?

Why yes, this is the professional way to hammer a nail. Why?

Why yes, this is the professional way to hammer a nail. Why?

4.) Cut the top off of the beer. Again, this is where I tried to use a can opener, but it didn't work. So I used sharp scissors. Cuz I'm so metal. However, metal cutters would be best. Either way, make sure to cut as close to the top as you can. I also found it helpful to add little slits along the way. Because it helps with folding. You'll see. 

Just the worst sounds. 

Just the worst sounds. 

Slits? Slits. 

Slits? Slits. 

5.) Fold the scary sharp edges. Like, fold them down. So that they don't cut you. I hope they don't cut you! Actually, if you use a towel, they shouldn't cut you. If you have pliers, use those instead of a towel. It's just common sense. 

I do not own pliers. 

I do not own pliers. 

6.) Ok, so it should look like this? 


7.) Put some dirt in! Plant those plants! Do the things! 

Just scpop that shiz in. 

Just scpop that shiz in. 

8.) Then tadaaaaaa! 

More Miller Thyme jokes. 

More Miller Thyme jokes. 

I made this guy too! CUZ IM SO GREAT. 

I made this guy too! CUZ IM SO GREAT. 

Part II - We're doing it for the plants. 

AKA Drinky Drinky time! 


Hungry Hungry Hipster! 

2 oz. of Zwack

1 oz. fresh orange juice

1/2 oz. fresh lemon juice

Miller High Life ON THE TOP

Add the Zwack, orange juice, and lemon juice to a cocktail shaker. Add ice and shake it like a Polaroid picture. Strain over ice into a Collins glass, top with Miller High Life, and add the garnish. Because we classy. 

Guys that's not really me. That's zwack! 

Guys that's not really me. That's zwack! 

Well, I have a rule that once the word Zwack enters a blog, it’s time to wrap it up. I hope you enjoyed this week’s Crafty Hour and that it brings you hours of friendship happiness.

Until next time...

Until next time...