Teeny Tiny PomPom Garland For Medium Amounts of Fun

Well it’s been a Polar Vortex of a winter over here so everyone is a bit bored. And by a bit bored, I mean I’ve cleaned, baked, napped, hung art, “checked work emails”, done Youtube workouts (lol), watched all the Netflix AND Amazon my brain can handle and am running dangerously low on wine oh look at that I just made myself a nice hot cocoa + bourbon. So let’s craft something? We have nothing left. That’s why people craft, right? 

Anyway, this is like, the easiest craft I’ve ever done. Which says a lot because I tend to aim towards “low skill” “can I just glue it” “sure have another drink” kinds of crafts. Don’t act surprised.

 Bonus: This is a good crafty hour to do with kids. It’s the perfect sized garland for Barbie’s house, and I hear she’s having a party. That bitch. Also they can use an embroidery needle - which is the closest to danger many of us get. Last but not least, you could not pour booze into their hot chocolate. But whatever, it’s your polar vortex.

I don’t have a Barbie house, so I put it on this lil’ succulent tree! Hooray! Although I’m wondering if I should water him. Oops!

I don’t have a Barbie house, so I put it on this lil’ succulent tree! Hooray! Although I’m wondering if I should water him. Oops!

What You Need For Teeny Tiny PomPom Garland

Teeny Tiny PomPoms

Embroidery Thread

Embroidery Needle

What You Need For Mommy’s Hot Cocoa

Hot Chocolate Mix




Whipped Cream


I tried using twine, but my needle wasn’t big enough. If you have a big enough needle (good for you) feel free to use twine.

If you want to use a pattern with the pompoms, go for it. I’m too tired and cold.

If you want to make your own pompoms, you can do that, too. But why are you trying so hard, it’s so cold out.

I feel like you probably already have all the materials for this in your home, which means you don’t have to go outside into the frozen tundra! You’re welcome.

This garland could work for anyone’s party. Maybe Ken likes a good sparkly garland on his fireplace! It’s 2019.

Also you can do this when it’s not cold outside, if you’re one of those lucky people. Just trying to prove this is an all-weather blog or something.

I'm so tired and cold.


1.) Pick out the teeny tiny pompoms. Everyone makes normal size pompoms, but not us. WE’RE SPECIAL AND DIFFERENT.

2.) Pick out what color thread you want and thread that needle, gurl (or boy, it’s 2019).

3.) Knot the end of your thread. NOT the top (or the end closest to the needle, you get it.)

It’s like a Dr. Seuss neuter house up in here. Is neuter house a thing? What’s wrong with me.

It’s like a Dr. Seuss neuter house up in here. Is neuter house a thing? What’s wrong with me.

4.) Now just put your little pompoms on the string….by putting your needle through the pompom and pulling it through to get it on the string. Oh what’s that, you want a creepy picture of that? CAN DO.



5.) So just yeah, keep doing that until you’re done. You can fill the whole thing or not at all (that applies to the pompoms on your string and the bourbon in your hot cocoa).

A reminder: the more pompoms you add, the longer it takes. In case you’re trying to waste time until Spring.

A reminder: the more pompoms you add, the longer it takes. In case you’re trying to waste time until Spring.

6.) Once you’re all done, just tie a knot in the top/other end of your string. And voila! Man I was hoping to make this a 5-step craft but let’s just say I did? Cool?

Weeeeeeee colors!

Weeeeeeee colors!


Aka Booze.

Hot Hot Hot Cocoa:

1 Swiss Valley Hot Chocolate Mix

6 oz water

1.5 oz bourbon

Dash of cinnamon

Plenty of Whipped Cream

Heat your water - in a tea kettle or a microwave. Put it in a mug. Add the chocolate mix and stir. Add the bourbon and stir. Pile on that whipped cream and throw a dash of cinnamon on there CUZ WE FANCY.

I didn’t make that garland. I bought it from Target. WHOOPS.

I didn’t make that garland. I bought it from Target. WHOOPS.

Well I have a rule that once a Target craft makes it into the blog, it’s time to call it a wrap. I hope this Crafty Hour brings you hours of friendship happiness. Until next time...
