Potty Mouthed Party Signs
Let's be honest, all these cutesy party signs? Give me a break. "Congratulations!" "Beautiful Bride" "It's a boy!" Please. WHAT IF YOU HAVE NOTHING TO CELEBRATE. WHERE ARE THE SIGNS FOR THOSE PEOPLE/ME.
Well, if you ask Crafty Hour, there's always something to celebrate. Also, don't worry, I'm doing fine.
So let's make some offensive party signs! Yeah!
What You’ll Need for Potty-Mouthed Party Signs:
Pretty paper/card stock
Brown paper bags
Hole punch
Mod Podge
A potty mouth or potty mouthed friends
What You’ll Need for a Queen’s Tit:
Blueberry Juice
Cranberry Juice
You already know this is going to be offensive so, yeah. Also, stop being a wuss.
Yes, you will probably have to go into the terrifying scrapbook section of a store. It sucks. Just do it fast. (That’s what she said.)
Obviously you don’t have to make your signs offensive potty-mouthed. You can make whatever sign you want. "Love, Laugh, Learn, Cry." "Birthday!" "We Love Emma" Whatever. Just don’t send me a picture of your Love sign because I’ll BARF. Ha, joking. (No I’m not).
Last, but not least, APPARENTLY Urban Outfitters is selling party signs with lame sayings for $15.00. I say we make a sign that says “fuck that” (for a mere like, $3) And then send it to them. Yeah.
1.) Think up some really funny sayings. Perhaps this post will inspire you?
2.) Pick a paper pattern.
3.) Use your stencils to trace your letters. Then cut them!
4.) We found that if you glue your letters to paper, it makes the banner pop more. So, that's what we're doing. Pick a color that makes your letters pop and then cut a shape for each letter. Circles or squares tend to work best.
6.) Once you’re done cutting out shapes of paper, glue your letters to the shapes.
7.) Now punch holes in the top of your shapes or letters. Two holes work best. No picture. You know how to punch holes.
8.) Thread the twine or ribbon through the holes.
9.) Hang up your signs!
Part II – The only way to get through cutting out so many letters
AKA Drinky Drinky Time!
Queen’s Tit:
2 oz. Vodka
3 oz. BlueBerry Juice
2oz. Cranberry Juice
Fill frosted glass with crushed ice. Pour in 2oz. Vodka. Strain in the Blueberry and Cranberry Juice. Throw in some blueberries for good measure. Enjoy that Queens Tit real nice. Gross, sorry. Offensive
Well I have a rule that once a horrible mental image enters a blog, it’s time to wrap it up. I hope you enjoyed this week’s Crafty Hour and that it brings you hours of friendship happiness.